Why Attend

We have live translation of all sessions in English and Portuguese.

Pre-Event Workshop
Monday, May 28th | 16:00 – 19:00pm
This is an exclusive opportunity for innovative companies, Key Opinion Leaders and researchers in Latin America to partner with a leading global animal health company. Boehringer Ingelheim are world leaders in prevention through their portfolio of vaccines and antiparasitics and have one of the highest levels of investment in the creation of future solutions in these areas.
Attendees to this workshop should be experts in the areas of prevention and wellbeing in beef and dairy cattle and should contribute to a state-of-the-art debate as to actionable solutions to advance these areas and can expect to work together with Boehringer Ingelheim senior executives in the early assessment of high potential opportunities and action plans around collaboration and strategic partnerships.
LatAm start-up companies or academic researchers only. All 30 places are now SOLD OUT
NEW FOR 2018!
Extended Innovation Showcase
Our Organising Committee will select twelve companies from our list of applications to present to our audience on-site:
- 6 companies will be chosen from small-mid-sized companies from within Latin America that are actively looking for investment or acquisition opportunities.
- 6 companies will be chosen from the US, Europe and other regions that are looking to bring new, innovative products to the Latin American market.
>> Read all about them in the 'Showcase Finalists 2018' PDF below, in the Resources section
Who Attends?

Organising Committee

Robert DiMarzo

Luiz Luccas

Edson Molinari

Raquel Moutinho Barbosa

Esteban Corrales

Leonardo Loewenstein

Gustavo Sabatini

Celso Antonio Barbosa
Global Advisory Board

Joachim Hasenmaier
Joachim Hasenmaier, born 1960 in Vaihingen/Enz, Germany, DVM., is Member of the Board of Managing Directors of C.H. Boehringer Sohn AG & Co. KG since October 1, 2012, responsible for the Corporate Board Division Consumer Health Care and Animal Health. His nationality is German.
He received a veterinary medical degree (DVM) in 1986 from Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, where he entered into a microbiological research program until 1989 receiving his Doktor med. vet. (PhD) degree. He completed his education with a Master in Management from Kellogg Business School, Chicago, USA in 1991. Prior to joining BI he worked in various positions for various international companies in Germany, Japan, Mexico and Brazil.
In 2002 he joined Boehringer Ingeheim as Corporate Senior Vice President for Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health. In 2011 he took over the regional responsibilty for Prescription Medicine in NECAR (UK/Ireland, Nordics, Benelux, Canada, Australia/New Zealand). He held this position until he became Member of the Board of Managing Directors at C.H. Boehringer Sohn AG & Co. KG in October 2012.

Clinton Lewis
Clint Lewis is executive vice president and president of International Operations at Zoetis. In this role, he oversees the management of the livestock and companion animal business markets outside the United States.
Mr. Lewis previously served as president, U.S. Operations at Zoetis and in the Pfizer Animal Health organization. He joined Pfizer Animal Health in 2007.
Mr. Lewis joined Pfizer in 1988 as a sales representative in Long Island, N.Y., and has held positions of increasing responsibility in several areas across various commercial operations dedicated to human health prior to joining animal health, including vice president and general manager of Pfizer’s U.S. Anti-Infectives/HIV business unit.
In 2011, Mr. Lewis was elected chairman of the Animal Health Institute (AHI) for the 2011-12 term. A member of AHI since 2007, Mr. Lewis previously served as AHI vice chair for the 2009-2010 term. AHI is the trade association for the animal health industry in the U.S. advocating on various issues important to the industry, including efficient and effective regulatory and approval processes by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Mr. Lewis holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Fairfield University and a Master of Business Administration in marketing from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Dirk Ehle
Dr. Dirk Ehle has been a member of the Bayer HealthCare Executive Committee and responsible for the Animal Health Division since May 1, 2012.
Dirk Ehle was born on May 26, 1969, in Cologne, Germany. He studied law at the universities of Freiburg, Aix-en-Provence (France), Wurzburg, and New York (USA).
After three years in law firms, Dirk Ehle started his career at Bayer in 2001 in the Law Department of Bayer HealthCare. In 2006, Ehle transferred to Bayer AG’s Corporate Office where he worked as Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Management. He was also in charge of Corporate Policy & Advocacy as of 2008. In 2010, Ehle was appointed Senior Bayer Representative for Central Eastern Europe and Bayer HealthCare Representative for Poland.
Dirk Ehle is married with three children.

Linda Rhodes
Dr. Rhodes has over 30 years of accomplishments in human and animal drug discovery, development, biomedical research, and clinical veterinary medicine.
Dr. Rhodes was educated at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (VMD) and Cornell University (PhD). She has an extensive background in physiology, veterinary medicine, and drug development, and many publications in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Rhodes practiced clinical veterinary medicine for five years, with experience in both companion and farm animal practice. As a senior research fellow at Merck Research Laboratories for 8 years, she led pre-clinical biology evaluation of several marketed human drugs. She worked for Merial Ltd. as director of large animal development projects, leading project teams developing novel compounds for a variety of indications. In April 2001, she formed AlcheraBio, a consulting, marketing, and contract research firm specializing in developing new drugs for animals, working with biotechnology and animal health companies world-wide. AlcheraBio was acquired in 2008 by Argenta, and Dr. Rhodes served as executive vice president to transition the company when in 2011, she accepted a position as CEO of Aratana Therapeutics, a startup company developing innovative new medicines for dogs and cats. Subsequently, when the company became public she served as its Chief Scientific Officer. During her 5-year tenure, the company achieved FDA approval of three new pet therapeutics: Galliprant, Nocita and Entyce. She is currently retired and an independent consultant. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Zoetis, and serves on the Scientific Advisory Boards of the Alliance for Contraception in Dogs and Cats and the Michelson Found Animals Foundation. She founded Feather in Her Cap, a non-profit that recognizes the achievement of women in the animal health industry. She is the recipient of the Iron Paw Award.

George Gunn

Aaron Schacht

Jean Deleforge

Alan Mackay
Alan has been a private equity investor for more than 25 years in roles including Senior Partner and Global Head of Healthcare at the private equity firm 3i Group plc. He was appointed to the board of 3i plc in 1993 and became CEO of 3i Nordic plc, based in Stockholm, upon the acquisition of Sweden's largest listed private equity company Atle AB in 2001. Alan has served on the boards of a number of healthcare companies, including most recently Phibro Animal Health Corporation which completed a successful initial public offering (IPO) in April 2014. Latterly he has been Managing Partner, CEO, and Chairman of the Investment Committee, of Hermes GPE, an active co-investor in private equity backed healthcare. Alan holds a Bachelor's degree in Law, an MSc in Enterprise and is a graduate of the Advanced Management Programme at INSEAD. He is Chair of the BVCA for 2016 – 2017 and previously chaired its Responsible Investment Advisory Board.

Dr. James Lloyd
- PhD, Agricultural Economics & Operations Research, Michigan State University, 1989
- DVM, Michigan State University, 1981
- BS, Fisheries & Wildlife, Michigan State University, 1978
Honors and Awards
- LGVMA Leadership Award, 2013
- President’s Honor Roll, Michigan Veterinary Medical Association, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011
- Senior Fellow, Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University, 2005-13
- Certificate of Appreciation, Assoc. of Vet. Practice Management Consultants and Advisors, 2004
- Norden Teacher of the Year Award Finalist, College of Veterinary Medicine, 2003
- Creativity in Teaching Award, Merck Agvet, 1995
- State Team Award, Milk Quality Assurance Program, Michigan State University Extension, 1993
- Commendation (for Extension activity), Michigan Cattlemen’s Association, 1992
- The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Michigan State University, inducted 1985
- Phi Zeta, Honorary Veterinary Society, Michigan State University, inducted 1981
- Butler Award, voted by peers as “most likely to succeed” in large animal veterinary medicine, 1981
- Honors College, Michigan State University, 1975 to 1977
Dr. Lloyd was leader of the National Commission on Veterinary Economic Issues working group on Enhancing the Skills, Knowledge, Aptitude, and Attitude of Veterinarians from 2000-2009. He also works as an organization development consultant, emphasizing strategic planning and leadership development with inclusion as a core element.

Sébastien Huron
Sébastien Huron, 46, DVM, started his career in 1994 in Brazil in the Hoechst-Roussel group where he rapidly rose to become the Marketing director of the animal health division. After Intervet acquired this division (Akzo Nobel group), which was then integrated into the Merck Group, Sébastien Huron pursued his career in 2000 in the United States as Market Development director, and then as director of the Pet division. After rejoining the Virbac group in 2006 as the general manager of the Spanish subsidiary, he then became the director of the European region in 2008, and then head of Global Business Operations in 2013. He has been part of the Virbac executive board since December 2012.
In the News
We've been featured!
The March edition of Motivar Magazine features interviews with three of our headline speakers:
- Wolfgang Haag, Managing Director, Vetoquinol Brazil
- Sebastián Perretta, Business Development & Marketing Strategy Director, Biogénesis Bagó
- Fabio Paganini, Head of Latin America Region Animal Health, Boehringer Ingelheim
To read their advice and thoughts about animal health innovation in Latin America click here.
The Agenda
You can download our latest agenda here.
Simply fill in this form we'll send you a PDF version immediately. We need some information to know where to send the file and how to address our email to you.
New for 2018:
- EXTENDED INNOVATION SHOWCASE: Selected Veterinary Universities, Tech-Transfer Offices and Animal Health Start-up Companies from Latin America present their technologies, looking for global partners and investment
- INTERNATIONAL SHOWCASE: International animal health companies pitch their technologies, looking for local partners in Latin America
What else can you expect?
- ADVICE: What Innovations are Cattle Producers looking for in LatAm? What technology can make an impact on productivity?
- DISCUSSIONS: How Animal Health Companies are Using the Internet to Communicate with Veterinarians in Brazil
- NUTRITIONAL HEALTH TRENDS: Medicated Feed Additives, Probiotics and Nutraceuticals
- REGULATION ROUNDTABLE: How we can bring innovation faster to major LatAm markets? Joint government initiatives
- HOT TOPICS: How can Big Data and Analytics Improve Productivity for food producers?
- OPPORTUNITIES: Companion Animal Market Drivers in Latin America
Download the agenda to find out more...
Download 2018 Agenda
The Speakers

Ivan Fernandes
Sr. Mgr., Commercial Operations and Strategic Planning for BRA&SoLA cluster (BRA,ARG,URU,PAR,BOL,PER,ECU,CHI), responsible for Strategic Planning, Market Intelligence and Research, Strategic Pricing and Revenue Management, Product Launch flow and Field Force.
Veterinarian graduated at Universidade de São Paulo (2003), with MBAs in Project Management (2010) and Business Strategic and Economic Management (2015) at Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Executive with 15 years of experience in the animal health industry, playing technical and marketing roles in local and multinational companies. From products/business development and regulatory affairs to marketing, strategy and revenue management. Specialist in innovation management in products, services and business models.

Wolfgang Haag

Fabio Paganini

Fernanda Hoe
- Veterinary Medicine degree from Unesp - Botucatu, Brazil
- Master in Science from the University of Wisconsin, USA
- MBA from FGV, Brazil.
- More than 15 years of experience in the Animal Health Industry. Experience in technical, sales, marketing with focus on customer insights, product positioning and launching. Since 2016 leading the R&D team in Brazil.

Osvaldo Ciasulli

Luciano Aba
I have always been linked to journalism, and have worked for 15 years in the field of health and productivity for different animal species in Argentina.
I aim to highlight the work of veterinary professionals in the field and have tried to reflect in my articles the importance of good advice in everything that has to do with productivity.
The objective is to position the different media in which I work, as a generator of debates that favor the greatest growth of all the actors linked to Animal Health and Productivity.
Siempre ligado al periodismo, desde ya 15 años me desempeño en el ámbito de la sanidad y la productividad de las distintas especies animales en Argentina.
Destacando siempre la labor de los profesionales veterinarios a campo, he intentado reflejar en artículos la importancia de unbuen asesoramiento en todo lo que tiene que ver con la productividad.
El objetivo es posicionar a los distintos medios en los cuales me desempeño, como generador de debates que favorezcan el mayor crecimiento de todos los actores vinculados con la Sanidad y Productividad animal.

Luiz Luccas

Bernardo Arrospide

Carolina Padovani
Carolina Padovani has been the Scientific Affairs & Communication Manager at Royal Canin Brazil since January 2016. Her backgroud is in veterinary medicine and she has a master's degree in pet nutrition. She started her career at Royal Canin with a regulatory affairs implementation area in 2010. Since then she has developed some projects and get the opportunity to navigate in different areas such as R&D, MKT, Corporate Affairs, Public Affairs. In her current position, she manages the areas of technical knowledge and relationship with KOL and universities.

Bruno Ducatti
Entrepreneur and co-creator of the company, and developer of Brazil's largest platform of online communication between companies and veterinarians. Participation in the design of new products. Acting with commercial negotiations and strategic partnerships. Expertise in mobile technology and communication and branding strategies.
Empreendedor e co-criador da empresa desenvolvedora da maior plataforma do Brasil de comunicação online entre empresas e médicos veterinários. Participação na concepção de novos produtos. Atuação com negociações comerciais e parcerias estratégicas. Expertise em tecnologia mobile e em estratégias de comunicação e branding.

Sebastian Perretta
Sebastian Perretta is an Economist from the UBA and throughout his career he has worked in the business sector of the veterinary industry.
Since 2002 he has gone through different areas of the company adding experience in Accounting, Finance, Management Control, Innovation, Marketing, Marketing and Communications, which has given a very broad and strategic vision of the global veterinary industry.
In 2015, he was appointed Director of Business Development and Strategy with the objective of global diversification of the company by geography and by species.
Biogenesis Bagó is a company of Argentine capitals with which its contributions and that of its different teams have contributed for the company to be the first regional company in turnover in the segment of ruminants in Latin America.
Summing up his career, in the last five years he has accompanied the globalization stage of technologies, after having achieved consolidation in Latin America.
The business vision of the company always focused on strategically supporting the productive sectors, specifically the livestock and food production sector, with the scientific sector in betting on innovation as a way to approach business and the quality of products and services as a differential value.
During his tenure, the company was awarded important prizes such as Animal Pharm as the Best Latin American Company of the Veterinary Sector in 2014 and 2016, the "ICBC Foreign Trade 2016" Award that recognizes innovation, job creation and the ability of international companies to act , among many other distinctions of entities linked to its activity.
Sebastian Perretta es Economista de la UBA y durante toda su carrera laboral se desempeñó en el sector empresarial de la industria veterinaria.
Desde 2002 ha pasado por distintas áreas de la compañía sumando experiencia en Contaduría, Finanzas, Control de gestión, Innovación, Marketing, Comercialización y Comunicaciones, lo que le ha brindado un visión muy amplia y estratégica de la industria veterinaria global.
En el año 2015 ha sido nombrado Director de Desarrollo de Negocios y Estrategia teniendo como objetivo la diversificación global de la compañía por geografía y por especies.
Biogénesis Bagó es una empresa de capitales argentinos a la que con sus aportes y el de sus diferentes equipos han contribuido para que la compañía sea la primera empresa regional en facturación en el segmento de rumiantes en Latinoamérica.
Resumiendo su trayectoria, en los últimos cinco años ha acompañado la etapa de globalización de las tecnologías, luego de haber logrado la consolidación en Latinoamérica.
La visión de negocios de la empresa siempre se enfocó en apoyar estratégicamente a los sectores productivos, específicamente al sector ganadero y de producción alimentaria, con el sector científico en apostar a la innovación como modo de encarar los negocios y a la calidad de los productos y servicios como valor diferencial.
Durante su gestión la compañía fue merecedora de premios importantes como Animal Pharm como mejor Empresa Latinoamericana del Sector Veterinario en el 2014 y 2016, Premio “ICBC Comercio Exterior 2016" que reconoce la innovación, la generación de empleo y la capacidad de actuación internacional de empresas; entre otras numerosas distinciones de entidades vinculadas a su actividad.

Roberto Cohen
Professional with unique, combined expertise in M&A transactions, business integration and operations. Deep knowledge in how to identify, oversee and run investments by US publicly traded companies in Latin America.
11 years of experience in cross-border M&A transactions, involved in every stage of the deal making process: from assessing strategic fit, determining valuation, coordinating due diligence, seeking Board approval in a Fortune-300 company environment, negotiating definitive agreements and, planning & executing post-close business integration.
Operational experience in integrating newly acquired businesses and in transitioning them from a family-owned environment into a subsidiary of a larger organization, ensuring the continuation of an entrepreneurial environment but implementing the appropriate levels of compliance at the same time.
Led Henry Schein's entry and expansion in the Brazilian Dental market by closing 2 M&A transactions and led Henry Schein's entry into the Brazilian Animal Health market by closing 1 M&A transaction
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InterContinental São Paulo
InterContinental São Paulo
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Accommodation starts at $150 per night + tax (excluding breakfast)
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