Telehealth Online Innovation Showcase | Kisaco Research

Telehealth Online Innovation Showcase

Telehealth Online
8-10 September, 2020
Virtual Event | EDT Time Zone

The Telehealth Showcase is open and welcoming applications from telemedicine/telehealth platforms to showcase themselves and their services on the main virtual stage in  quick-fire round of presentations.

12 finalists hand-picked by the selection committee


Applications will be accepted from independent and emerging companies across the following 4 categories:

  • Live-video conferencing
  • Asynchronous video
  • Remote patient monitoring
  • mHealth


Present your company in-front of our selection committee as well as all attendees, including hospital networks, payers, life science investors, and pharmaceutical companies

The 12 finalists will feature in marketing activity in the run up to the event and post-show report

The winner will deliver an extended presentation of their company to the whole audience

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