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Junli Gu

VP, Autonomous Driving
Xiaopeng Motors

Junli Gu

VP, Autonomous Driving
Xiaopeng Motors

Junli Gu

VP, Autonomous Driving
Xiaopeng Motors

Richard Terrill

VP, Operations

Richard Terrill

VP, Operations

Richard Terrill

VP, Operations

Kunle Olukotun

Co-founder and Chief Technologist
SambaNova Systems

Kunle Olukotun is Cadence Design Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Stanford University. He founded Afara Websystems, acquired by Sun in 2002. He is a Pioneer of Chip Multiprocessor Designs, Director of the Stanford Pervasive Parallelism Lab, and Co-leader of the Data Analytics for What’s Next (DAWN) research program.

In 2017 Olukotun and Chris Ré founded SambaNova Systems. SambaNova Systems has developed a disruptive next-generation computing platform to power machine learning and data analytics.

Kunle Olukotun

Co-founder and Chief Technologist
SambaNova Systems

Kunle Olukotun

Co-founder and Chief Technologist
SambaNova Systems

Kunle Olukotun is Cadence Design Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Stanford University. He founded Afara Websystems, acquired by Sun in 2002. He is a Pioneer of Chip Multiprocessor Designs, Director of the Stanford Pervasive Parallelism Lab, and Co-leader of the Data Analytics for What’s Next (DAWN) research program.

In 2017 Olukotun and Chris Ré founded SambaNova Systems. SambaNova Systems has developed a disruptive next-generation computing platform to power machine learning and data analytics.


Anush Mohandass

VP, Marketing & Business Development
NetSpeed Systems

Anush Mohandass

VP, Marketing & Business Development
NetSpeed Systems

Anush Mohandass

VP, Marketing & Business Development
NetSpeed Systems

Kushagra Vaid

Eclipse Ventures

Kushagra Vaid

Eclipse Ventures

Kushagra Vaid

Eclipse Ventures

Sumit Gupta

VP, AI, HPC & Machine Learning

Sumit Gupta

VP, AI, HPC & Machine Learning

Sumit Gupta

VP, AI, HPC & Machine Learning

Ian Bratt

Distinguished Engineer & Director of Technology, ML

Ian Bratt is a Distinguished Engineer at Arm, where he leads the Machine Learning Technology group. Previously, Ian worked as an architect on several generations of Arm Mali GPUs, during a high-growth period which culminated in Arm partners shipping over 1B Mali GPUs in 2016. Prior to Arm, Ian worked at the pioneering multicore startup, Tilera. Ian has worked on CPUs, GPUs, memory systems and SoC architecture. He holds an S.M. from MIT and has 23 granted US patents. 

Ian Bratt

Distinguished Engineer & Director of Technology, ML

Ian Bratt

Distinguished Engineer & Director of Technology, ML

Ian Bratt is a Distinguished Engineer at Arm, where he leads the Machine Learning Technology group. Previously, Ian worked as an architect on several generations of Arm Mali GPUs, during a high-growth period which culminated in Arm partners shipping over 1B Mali GPUs in 2016. Prior to Arm, Ian worked at the pioneering multicore startup, Tilera. Ian has worked on CPUs, GPUs, memory systems and SoC architecture. He holds an S.M. from MIT and has 23 granted US patents. 


Victoria Rege

Director of Alliances & Strategic Partnerships

Victoria has over a decade of experience in the semiconductor space. She currently heads up Strategic Partnerships at Graphcore, working with key customers and leading Research & Universities AI engagements. Previously she held several leadership positions at NVIDIA from global alliances, product marketing and campaigns to the founding of the GPU Technology Conference. Prior to joining NVIDIA, Victoria worked in the hedge fund space, as Executive Director for the Hedge Fund Business Operations Association.

Victoria Rege

Director of Alliances & Strategic Partnerships

Victoria Rege

Director of Alliances & Strategic Partnerships

Victoria has over a decade of experience in the semiconductor space. She currently heads up Strategic Partnerships at Graphcore, working with key customers and leading Research & Universities AI engagements. Previously she held several leadership positions at NVIDIA from global alliances, product marketing and campaigns to the founding of the GPU Technology Conference. Prior to joining NVIDIA, Victoria worked in the hedge fund space, as Executive Director for the Hedge Fund Business Operations Association. Victoria is a frequent contributor to ACM SIGGRAPH and is Immersive Chair for the SIGGRAPH 2019 Conference. She's also an active member of the Consumer Technology Association's AI Working Group.


Dr. Kai Yu

Co-Founder & CEO
Horizon Robotics Inc

Dr. Kai YU is founder & CEO of Horizon Robotics Inc., dedicated to revolutionizing AI processors and solutions for autonomous systems. He is an internationally recognized expert in deep learning and general AI, a member of National Council of Next-Generation AI Strategy Planning, by Ministry of Science and Technology of China, a prestigious group of technology leaders of the country, the deputy secretary general of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) .

Dr. Kai Yu

Co-Founder & CEO
Horizon Robotics Inc

Dr. Kai Yu

Co-Founder & CEO
Horizon Robotics Inc

Dr. Kai YU is founder & CEO of Horizon Robotics Inc., dedicated to revolutionizing AI processors and solutions for autonomous systems. He is an internationally recognized expert in deep learning and general AI, a member of National Council of Next-Generation AI Strategy Planning, by Ministry of Science and Technology of China, a prestigious group of technology leaders of the country, the deputy secretary general of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) .

Before founding Horizon Robotics in July 2015, he was Deputy Head of Baidu Research. He founded Baidu Institute of Deep Learning (IDL) in January 2013, the first AI lab in China industry, and he is known as the founder of Baidu autonomous driving project. The teams led by Dr. Yu have won three Baidu Highest Achievement Awards for three times. Prior to joining Baidu, he took various key R&D roles in Germany and U.S.A. for 12 years, i.e., Senior Research Scientist at Neural Computation Department Siemens Corporate Technology, Head of Media Analytics Department of NEC Labs America, Adjunct Faculty at Computer Science Department of Stanford University.

Dr. Yu has received many awards, including No.1 place of ImageNet Challenge 2010
No.1 place of PASCAL VOC 2009and Best Paper Runner-up Award of ICML-2013. He also published dozens of research papers with a very high number of citations (more than 15,000). Dr. Yu has been the previous Area Chair of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) and Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). In 2011, he taught a class CS121: Introduction to AI in Stanford University.

He received his B.Sc and M.Sc in E&E from Nanjing University, China, and Ph.D in Computer Science at University of Munich, Germany.