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Junior Schreiner

Founder & Chief Technology Officer
Nutriceler Soluções Nutricionais

Junior Schreiner

Founder & Chief Technology Officer
Nutriceler Soluções Nutricionais

Junior Schreiner

Founder & Chief Technology Officer
Nutriceler Soluções Nutricionais

Gustavo Herrmann


B.S., Major in Agricultural Engineering, University of São Paulo (USP, Campus of Piracicaba)

Post-Graduation (Lato Sensu) in Business: MBA Investment, Management and Planning on Sugar Cane Industry Market (PECEGE/ESALQ/USP)

Former President of ABCBio (National Association of Biocontrol Industry - 2013-2014)

Current Vice-President of ABCBio (National Association of Biocontrol Industry - 2015-2016)

President of ABCBio (National Association of Biocontrol Industry - 2017-2018)

Gustavo Herrmann


Gustavo Herrmann


B.S., Major in Agricultural Engineering, University of São Paulo (USP, Campus of Piracicaba)

Post-Graduation (Lato Sensu) in Business: MBA Investment, Management and Planning on Sugar Cane Industry Market (PECEGE/ESALQ/USP)

Former President of ABCBio (National Association of Biocontrol Industry - 2013-2014)

Current Vice-President of ABCBio (National Association of Biocontrol Industry - 2015-2016)

President of ABCBio (National Association of Biocontrol Industry - 2017-2018)


Junli Gu

VP, Autonomous Driving
Xiaopeng Motors

Junli Gu

VP, Autonomous Driving
Xiaopeng Motors

Junli Gu

VP, Autonomous Driving
Xiaopeng Motors

Richard Terrill

VP, Operations

Richard Terrill

VP, Operations

Richard Terrill

VP, Operations

Kunle Olukotun

Co-founder and Chief Technologist
SambaNova Systems

Kunle Olukotun is Cadence Design Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Stanford University. He founded Afara Websystems, acquired by Sun in 2002. He is a Pioneer of Chip Multiprocessor Designs, Director of the Stanford Pervasive Parallelism Lab, and Co-leader of the Data Analytics for What’s Next (DAWN) research program.

In 2017 Olukotun and Chris Ré founded SambaNova Systems. SambaNova Systems has developed a disruptive next-generation computing platform to power machine learning and data analytics.

Kunle Olukotun

Co-founder and Chief Technologist
SambaNova Systems

Kunle Olukotun

Co-founder and Chief Technologist
SambaNova Systems

Kunle Olukotun is Cadence Design Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Stanford University. He founded Afara Websystems, acquired by Sun in 2002. He is a Pioneer of Chip Multiprocessor Designs, Director of the Stanford Pervasive Parallelism Lab, and Co-leader of the Data Analytics for What’s Next (DAWN) research program.

In 2017 Olukotun and Chris Ré founded SambaNova Systems. SambaNova Systems has developed a disruptive next-generation computing platform to power machine learning and data analytics.


Anush Mohandass

VP, Marketing & Business Development
NetSpeed Systems

Anush Mohandass

VP, Marketing & Business Development
NetSpeed Systems

Anush Mohandass

VP, Marketing & Business Development
NetSpeed Systems