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Carlos Alberto Kuada

Vice President Latin America
Elanco Animal Health

Carlos Alberto Kuada

Vice President Latin America
Elanco Animal Health

Carlos Alberto Kuada

Vice President Latin America
Elanco Animal Health

Randolph Richards

Emeritus Professor
University of Stirling

Randolph is Professor of Clinical Pathology. He is a veterinarian with many years’ experience in the field of fish health. He is especially knowledgeable about drug interactions and therapeutic approaches to disease control.

Randolph Richards

Emeritus Professor
University of Stirling

Randolph Richards

Emeritus Professor
University of Stirling

Randolph is Professor of Clinical Pathology. He is a veterinarian with many years’ experience in the field of fish health. He is especially knowledgeable about drug interactions and therapeutic approaches to disease control.

Aquaculture 2018
11-12 Sep 2018
London, UK
Showcasing the Most Exciting Innovation in Farm Management, Nutrition and Health InnovationThe Aquaculture Innovation Summit is a new conference, as part of the Animal Health Innovation series, which focuses on showcasing and supporting innovation and sustainability initiatives in three key areas of aquaculture: farm management, nutrition and health.Our objective at this two-day event is to bring to light cutting-edge modern technologies and solutions that are helping shape one of the most important industries for the future of global protein.  Below is a preview of some of the topics to be discussed:Innovation Showcase: The 12 most exciting innovations in aqua across farm management, nutrition and health, each seeking financial investment and strategic partnershipDigital Trends: How innovative companies are using digital and tech solutions to prevent diseaseTech & Productivity: What challenges are seafood producers currently facing and what technology can make an impact on productivity?Health and Nutrition Trends: Oral Vaccines, Medicated Feed Additives and Fish MicrobiomeGlobal Focus: Trends in the aquaculture markets in Latin America and Asia.Expanded focus on species: What are the opportunities for innovation in Tilapia and Shrimp?

Dr. Funing Zhong

Distinguished Professor, ZHONGSHAN SCHOLARS and Vice Chairman of the Academic Committee

Dr. Funing Zhong

Distinguished Professor, ZHONGSHAN SCHOLARS and Vice Chairman of the Academic Committee

Dr. Funing Zhong

Distinguished Professor, ZHONGSHAN SCHOLARS and Vice Chairman of the Academic Committee
3D Cell Models Poster Submission Form

Rimma Berenstein

Scientific Advisor
Federal Joint Committee

Rimma Berenstein

Scientific Advisor
Federal Joint Committee

Rimma Berenstein

Scientific Advisor
Federal Joint Committee
Human Biotech Animal Health 2019
9 Apr 2019
Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor, Boston, MA
Join the first ever conference connecting human biotechs with the animal health industry. Traditionally, innovation in veterinary health has come from parent human pharmaceutical R&D pipelines. Within an increasingly independent and mature animal health industry, new routes to innovation are being established. There are a multitude of exceptional technologies in the human health field that could be used in animal health, but currently there is limited contact between the two areas – this summit aims to connect the two industries.

Daniel Bonn

Director, Institute of Physics
University of Amsterdam

Daniel Bonn is director of the Institute of Physics of the University of Amsterdam, where over 200 researchers work. He is also group leader of the Complex Fluids Group, which studies the flow behavior of surfactant, polymer and colloid systems, and  totals about 30 people. Before coming to Amsterdam recently, he was a CNRS research director at the prestigious Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, where he led the ‘complex fluids’ group.

Daniel Bonn

Director, Institute of Physics
University of Amsterdam

Daniel Bonn

Director, Institute of Physics
University of Amsterdam

Daniel Bonn is director of the Institute of Physics of the University of Amsterdam, where over 200 researchers work. He is also group leader of the Complex Fluids Group, which studies the flow behavior of surfactant, polymer and colloid systems, and  totals about 30 people. Before coming to Amsterdam recently, he was a CNRS research director at the prestigious Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, where he led the ‘complex fluids’ group. He published more than 200 papers on wetting, complex fluids and hydrodynamics and was invited more than 40 times as a speaker at international conferences In the past five years. Daniel Bonn has a large amount of industrial collaborations such as with Michelin, SKF and Unilever, Shell,  DSM, Akzo Nobel, ASML etc. Bonn is also co-founder of the startup company GreenA that just received a Round A investment from a venture capital firm and now employs several people.