Russell Sharp

Marnix Peferoen

Jeroen Meeussen
Jeroen Meeussen is a plant pathologist by training. On 1st September 2015 he started work as coordinator for the EU Minor Uses Coordination Facility. From October 2010 until July 2015 Jeroen Meeussen has been working in Brussels for the European Commission (DG SANTE) on pesticide issues, including ‘minor uses’ and biopesticides. Before that he worked as the EU coordinator for plant protection products for the Dutch Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb). Since 2005 Jeroen chairs the Expert Group on Biopesticides (EGBP) as part of the Pesticide Programme of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Ian Holmes

Harry Teicher

Giovanni Povero

Eric Liegeois

Dimitiris Drisis

Alaa Emam
For the last two decades, Alaa Emam has been working in life science as a scientific entrepreneur. All of his work has been gathered for his top invention, GENE HAMMER, the particular applied theory that is one of a kind, solving plant production issues with gene therapy systems promoted organically.
THE GH THEORY was a subject to participate with outstanding organisations, a comprehensive verity of scientific events as well as industrial projects.
Reaching the field ground, by translating his inventions into tailored products worked effectively.
From science to shelf slogan, Emam brought it to the botanical market, it is promising and the future spin doctor plant system.